February 26, 2013

Tohono Chul Show a WILD SUCCESS !!!

The show and sale this past weekend at the beautiful Tohono Chul Park in Northwest Tucson was a Wildly Wonderful Success for all involved.  What a perfect setting for a clay art show.
Friday’s brisk morning temperature did not dampen the enthusiasm of the artists or shoppers.  We had a steady flow of shoppers from 9a until late afternoon.    Saturday was equally as busy but with sunny skies and warmer temps.
Quail, Javelina & Tortise Totem
Our SACA artisans total for the two-day show set a new record and we donated $3800.00 to Tohono Chul.
We are looking forward to working with Linda Wolfe at Tohono Chul and her wonderful staff again next year.
These are a few photos of my work that I had at the show.
~ Kathy

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